Thursday, April 15, 2010

Took the outer cover off the hives for the first time today. Wanted to check to make sure they had plenty of food. Didn't touch the inner cover. Both hives had taken 1/3 to 1/2 of the first gallon that had fumigilin-B. I took the 2 cans from the packages out and put another gallon each on. This had Honey B Healthy in it. They were very calm. didn't act like they were concerned about me being there at all. Couldn't see into the box through the hole in the inner cover. All I could see was a frame and bees.

I did take the cork out of the boxes for the feed. The side cork... the accident ;) It has been rather warm and I wanted to make sure they had enough ventilation. Probably in the 80's today.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our bees arrived!! These are our first bees. Two 3# packages from Lapps. Italians. Just got here today from California. They were either packaged on the evening of the 7th or morning of the 8th.

The hive on the right has the foundation cut out of it. The hive on the left has Pierco plastic foundation and frame.
Both packages had a lot of syrup left in the cans.

There was a small cluster on the front of the hive on the left, and a small cluster in the box on the right. I wonder if they will make it. Sky is clear. It was 60ish when we packaged them. About 6:00pm just a few minutes after I got home with them.

One gallon of 1:1 with Fumagiliin B on top. And a pollen patty.

Good night girls!

Our bees arrived today!! Our first bees and the first time we have hived a package. Very interesting, indeed!!
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Friday, April 9, 2010

The time has come.

Spoke to Jackie at Lapps and the bees should be her on Sunday, 4/11/10. Won't know for sure until they are almost here.

We cut the foundation out of the frames for one hive. Going to use frames only in one hive and the Pierco frames and foundation in the other. Will be an interesting experiment.