Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Did our second hive inspection today. The hive with the Pierco foundation is doing well, but the second box we put on has a lot of cross comb. I think they are confused about where they are supposed to build. Otherwise, things are looking good. They were in a much better mood today, for certain. I didn't get stung either :)

The foundationless hive isn't ready for a second box yet. Looks like a lot of brood has hatched and they are cleaning the cells out. I believe in the end they might do much better. We shall see. They seem to be taking their time but being much more organized, if that makes sense.

Will post pictures later.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It has been fairly cold and rainy the past few days. I am a little worried about the bees. I hope they are okay. There were a few dead bees outside the hive a few days ago when this weather came in.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First Hive Inspection!

We opened both hives for the first time today. 23 days after hiving them. We started at 5pm. Some weather was supposed to be moving in but it was actually closer than I had thought. Wind was fairly calm. Smoker was working well for the first time.

We took a look in the hive with foundation first. There were a few bees that seemed to be a little aggressive. Maybe it was my nervousness or that of my husband's. Or it could have been the weather moving in? Seven frames were completely drawn out. I didn't pull out every frame. The first 3 had nothing. The 4th one had uncapped honey. The next one had uncapped brood and the next one had some drone brood. We took the frame of uncapped honey and put it in the middle of a new deep and put it on. Also decided to open the entrance reducer a little. Had my first sting from this hive today.

The second hive is the one that has no foundation. It was about halfway drawn out. This hive also had a third to a half of syrup water left in one bucket. The other hive had none, pretty much. I pulled one frame to inspect then put it back. I decided not to mess with them too much. I There was no cross comb that I could see. Looks like the hive is about 50% drawn out. These bees seemed to be more docile. Will plan on giving them another week or so and then maybe adding another deep.

First Hive Inspection




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